The Adventure Tiles: Darkharrow Crypt Kickstarter campaign closes in less than 36 hours.
Adventure Tiles: Darkharrow Crypt is a collection of detailed 2D terrain tiles designed for use with traditional and virtual tabletop RPGs. The tiles in this series are modular and can be arranged in nearly infinite configurations using tiles from a single set or by combining different sets into the custom dungeons of your dreams. There are currently two tile sets in this campaign, the Dwarven Tomb and the Necromancer's Cave. Both sets are included in all pledge levels and we are close to unlocking a third set.
Back now for as low as $3.00 and help us unlock even more stretch-goals. All new sets created for this campaign are compatible with our line of 2e Adventure Tiles and some discounted sets are available as part of this campaign.
Thanks and good gaming!